Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010 - Descriptive Paragraphs

The paragraphs keep on arriving! I had the opportunity to read some wonderfully-crafted paragraphs about students' hometowns this week--I'm impressed with your writing skills! I even saw some semicolons used properly--very nice! Do we have some future authors here? Please see below for three descriptive paragraphs created by your classmates. You will find more student paragraphs in this week's Tuesday Tip which is waiting for you in your
k-mail inbox!

Seven years ago we had a change in homes. We used to live in Scranton which was convenient. My sister and I could walk to the store or to the pizza shop. I also had lots of neighbors to play with. Then we moved to the quiet, open country where I have acres of woods to explore and room to have exciting pets like ducks and a horse. The only drawback is there are no friends nearby to associate with, and stores are miles away. I prefer the country because of the fresh air and open space. ~ Aaron H.

I live in North Philadelphia only several blocks from Route 1, the Fox Street entrance. We live in a three-bedroom row house. Our community playground is only two blocks around the corner. Recently our playground / community center needed some real work done to try and make it beautiful again. We wanted to do something about it. What we did was we got involved in a program for teens to come together and make repairs, add flowers, fix and replace fences, and paint pictures throughout the area on walls and the ground. We also put new basketball courts up so that everyone can play and enjoy how it looks. This is my service to my community. ~ Angela W.

Although my address says Philadelphia, my house is actually located on the north side of the city about 20 minutes from central city. If I walk to the right, there is a small park. If you walk about an hour, you'll find shopping stores. There is not a lot of nature around, but there are buildings and houses--even some abandoned ones. We have neighbors on each side, and sometimes you can hear them; maybe they can hear us, too! In the summer, everybody is outside playing music. We are always in our yard; it's a small yard with a pool and a barbeque. I would like to live in New York, but for now, Philadelphia is okay! ~ Joseph P.

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