Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Tip 2 - Fragments

Hi there, Middle School students! Welcome to Mrs. Allen's first attempt at blogging!

I received many wonderful corrections to the sentence fragment I gave you last week. Your responses have been so numerous that I decided to try this format so that your work can be seen and enjoyed by more people than just one teacher!

Originally, I said that I would share one corrected fragment from a 7th grader and one from an 8th grader, but there were too many creative fragment fixes for me to choose just two! So...see if your fragment fix appears here, and plan to visit my blog again for next week's Tuesday Tip. Enjoy!

Your mission was to: Add your choice of words and any necessary punctuation to the fragment "But the ice cream melted" to make it a complete sentence.

I thought I could eat my ice cream while I took a shower, but the ice cream melted.
~ Travis H.

On Tuesday, we tried to eat the sundaes we made on Monday, but the ice cream melted.
~ Alycia W.

I put the frozen, cookies - n - cream ice cream in the kitchen freezer, but the ice cream melted because the freezer wasn't plugged in.
~ Brandon S.

The young girl got her first ice cream cone, but the ice cream melted before she was finished eating it.
~ Brandy H.

I waited twenty minutes in line at the ice cream truck, but the ice cream melted as soon as I got it.
~Bradley A.

I bought an ice cream cone for my sister, but the ice cream melted before I could get home to give it to her.
~ Nathanael V.

We bought ice cream at the grocery store, but the ice cream melted on the way home.
~ Madelyn M.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow thats cool! (you should make a new template) lol XD

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello, Mrs. Allen!
    This is a REALLY cool blog!
    Yr. Student,
    Emily F.

  5. Hi, Mrs. Allen,
    I have FB but I havent been on a Blog b4. This is different and cool! See ya next week!
    Angel H.

  6. This blog is going to be great!
    I can't wait to see more!

  7. Hey Mrs. Allen! I love this week's fragment fix-up! You know how I love ice cream! :) Students...great work on fixing that fragment!

  8. I was distracted with my awesome colored-rainbow slinky, But then realized that my Ice Cream was melting :'((

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
